The benefits of a blog for your hotel website


In a visibility strategy, we try to position the site of the hotel on the keywords representing the 20% of traffic: the head of the long train. We can not position the site on thousands of occurrences (the tail of the long line). Generally, the words of the head of the long tail are those with the most potential, that is to say, the occurrences generating research (it is useless to position oneself on “Argentine kangaroo”, no one is looking for this expression).


The blog will serve you to be responsive, to appear in the results page for keywords not very important, but very numerous.


In the hotel environment, the blog will serve you to communicate differently with your visitors.


The sites are most often advertising brochures and it’s a shame, I will not develop the market transformation into conversation market ( read my articles on social media and hospitality ) …. Give something other than an advertising brochure, talk about what is happening at the hotel, work, staff changes, introduce the reception team, the mascot of the hotel (the cat, dog, goldfish, etc …), tell a story (American marketing concept of story telling). You have changed supplier to have organic products? You work with a laundry “sustainable”, etc … say it in your blog.


But the blog will also (and especially) allow you to talk about everything that happens around your institution, in your territory: museums, exhibition, castle, visits …. short all the tourist sites, but also events (France is rich in events), and also the local economic fabric, news, history, etc … there are many things to tell your blog (read my post on the animation of a hotel blog ).


The goal is that your site is responsive when a user searches for: “hotel + the castle next door” or “to sleep near festival sausage has city” or “room reservation close company dupont has city”, etc … These thousands of searches will generate significant unit traffic on your site.


Do not get into this blog strategy unless you have time to write articles. An article does not have to be long, 500 words are enough, anyway, beyond that, people rarely read. But we must feed it, nothing worse than arriving on a blog or the last article was written 1 year ago, it will serve the site, the hotel.


Of course, once the user on your blog / article can book easily, put a resa button on all pages of the blog and systematically 2 or 3 links in the article to 2 or 3 pages of the version ” your site, the blog will serve you to increase the visibility of your site but also to improve the positioning on the occurrences of the head of the long tail (the dozen key words)


Your blog must have a powerful structure, that is to say that each article can be consulted on a page, so that the title of the page, the address of the page and the title of the article can be optimized (contain these famous keywords). So use a blog engine, they will do all this for you, through a simple and intuitive interface.



In conclusion:

  • it takes time and resources to lead a real multidomain strategy
  • it can be approached by placing these keywords in the name of the pages, (address)
  • you position your site on a dozen occurrences in the results pages, the main ones, the head of the long tail
  • the blog allows you to “rake” hundreds of other occurrences, low in unit traffic, the tail of the long tail. And this places lots of keywords in the URL (see point N ° 2)
  • the blog also allows you to tell a story and thus offer another vision of your institution


I recommend you install

wordpress or dotclear

as a blog engine (you will need a SQL database, but you already have one for your main site). If you do not have the time, contact me, I can set up one of these solutions on your website and even provide animation (writing articles), everything will be fully optimized for visitors and for search engines, important return on investment!

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